Stress Resilience

Does this sound like you….?

Are you physically and mentally exhausted? Do you have difficulties with your memory and concentrating? Have brain fog or slow thinking? Do you often feel anxious, irritable, ‘wired’, and/or on edge? Low mood or depression? Do you feel dizzy when moving from sitting or lying to standing? Have poor sleep and can’t get up in the mornings? Do you crave sugar, salt or caffeine? Are you getting ill more frequently? Is it becoming more difficult to lose or gain weight? Have digestive problems? Has your sex drive and/or performance gone down?

Once your body’s physiological and psychological capacity to deal with stress effectively has been surpassed you might experience some of these symptoms.

Imagine that your ability to deal effectively with stress is like having a bank account. You can make deposits and withdrawals from your stress account. If you keep making “withdrawals” due to psychological and physical stressors such as long hours, skipped meals, over-exercising, late nights, emotional tension etc, without also making “deposits” in the form of nourishing food, quality sleep, relaxation, and restorative exercise then your stress account will go into overdraft. The results are the symptoms above.

There are 2 main kinds of hormonal imbalances which can result from prolonged physical and/or mental stress and cause the above symptoms: thyroid and adrenal imbalances.

Thyroid Imbalances

About the thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ located in the base of your neck. It produces thyroid hormones which regulate vital body functions and produce energy in the body’s cells. There are 2 main thyroid hormones: the mainly inactive thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4), and its derivative, the active thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3). If the thyroid is functioning properly most of the T4 is converted into T3. The key thing to remember is that it’s the active T3 hormone that every cell in your body needs for proper functioning.

How does stress affect the thyroid?

Chronic stress can reduce your levels of T4 and also reduce its conversion to the active T3 hormone, meaning you have less T4 and active T3. It can also reduce levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which tells the thyroid gland how much T4 and T3 to make. And, it can also cause T4 to be converted into reverse T3 (rT3), the body’s “emergency brake”, which blocks the functioning of normal T3.

The result?

So the result of all this is that you don’t have enough T3 in your cells, T3 can’t work properly and your metabolism slows and you can get symptoms of an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) listed above.

Think of a car analogy: the less fuel burned by the car’s engine, the slower the car will go. Likewise, if thyroid hormones are the body’s fuel, then lower T3 levels will make the body burn less energy and “slow down” and you’ll experience the symptoms described at the beginning.

Adrenal Imbalances

About the adrenal glands

The adrenals are two walnut-shaped glands that sit on top of the kidneys. They secrete hormones – such as cortisol and adrenaline – that regulate the production of stress hormones to help us deal optimally with stress.

How does stress affect the adrenal glands?

Adrenal Fatigue is a stress-related condition that occurs when your adrenal glands become exhausted after long-term physical and/or emotional stress and just can’t produce enough hormones anymore to do the job properly. And that’s when you get the symptoms described above. It doesn’t have to be dramatic stress, it can simply be the challenges of daily life building up over time. We also all have different stress tolerance levels, so what one person might perceive as stressful, another might not and this affects adrenal functioning.

It’s key to know that the thyroid and adrenals work as a team, so when one isn’t working optimally, the other one is usually affected too.  For example, for the thyroid to function optimally, it needs just the right amount of cortisol from the adrenals. That’s why it’s important to look at both the thyroid and adrenals, not just one or the other.

Also, after menopause, when the ovaries stop producing oestrogen, the adrenal glands continue to make oestrogen so it’s good to make sure they are functioning optimally.

Testing for adrenal function

We can test for how well the adrenals are functioning and use the results to create a bespoke diet and lifestyle programme to support your adrenals- which will also support your thyroid- and help relieve your symptoms.

Tracking Improvements via Your Biological (Internal) Age

During your visit you will have the option of using a non-invasive health and wellness tool which uses scientifically validated technology to measure your biological, Internal Age (as opposed to your actual chronological age), and thereby visibly track how your dietary and lifestyle changes are improving your health. It’s measured via a fingertip pulse reader which uses scientifically validated technology to assess the flexibility of the aorta, the largest artery in your body. How flexible your aorta is reflects the physical effects of your dietary and lifestyle behaviours and choices.

The device also measures real-time heart rate and blood oxygen levels. This will help show us overall health trends and enable us to track the effectiveness of our dietary and lifestyle interventions. You will receive a detailed report containing all the information measured.

Please note that it is not a medical device for diagnosing or managing any medical conditions and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of doctor.

Ready to break the stress cycle and take back control over your well-being?

I use a combination of nutrition and lifestyle advice, along with psychological tools and motivational coaching to help keep you on track. From experience, the best way to help you achieve your goals is by working with you for a longer period of time (usually two months or longer). You are unlikely to reap long-term benefits from a ‘one-off’ consultation. Why? Because  it takes 3 weeks to change a habit, 6 weeks to develop a new habit and 36 weeks to hardwire this new habit. And making changes requires planning, strategy and continuous fine-tuning to keep you on the right path.

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

So, if you’re looking for ongoing comprehensive and versatile support, I’d love to work with you! The length and type of your programme will depend on your current health status, what you want to achieve and your preferred level of support but will typically range from 8 weeks to 36 weeks. Read on below to find which level of support perfectly suits your needs. If there’s another level of support you’re looking for, no problem, we will put together the right programme for you.



  For you if you feel confident you can implement the changes needed to reach your goals (translating knowing into actually doing)

Initial Consultation

2 Follow-up





Ideal if you prefer step-by-step support as well as personalised coaching to provide the structure and accountability that makes it 80% more likely for you to reach your goals

Initial Consultation

4 Follow-up


From £600



Perfect for you if you thrive on intensive, comprehensive support and accountability to help transform your eating and lifestyle behaviour.

Initial Consultation

  6 Follow-up Consultations


I would love to help you regain balance- and your zest for life alongside it! Many people have questions about how my approach can help them. I am very happy to discuss your health concerns and explore ways we can work together. If you decide you’d like to work with me, I’ll tell you the exact steps you need to get going. Please feel free to call, text or email me to book a complimentary 30 minute phone/Skype Stress Resilience consultation. You’ll be able to tell me about your current situation and where you would like to be, and I’ll explain how I can help you. We can then see if we’re a good fit. If we aren’t a perfect fit, no problem- I will also be happy to share other resources to help you get what you need. I look forward to speaking with you!

Mobile: 07812163324      Email: